Thursday, February 5, 2009

I can use e-mail in my life like when you send someone to help you on something you e-mail him and tell him about what you need.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

E-mail can help me in the future in a lot of ways or things. Because it can help me in school. Like when you have a project and you don't known what to do of it. You can e-mail a friend and he is going to tell you about it. E-mail can also help me in businesses. Like when you have work for someone in a office. And you have to e-mail a company to give something of your boss. That is how e-mail help you in the future.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The MYP design can help to get a email. It can help me like following the directions in the MYP design. Because when Mrs. Hinojosa  is not here we have to get in the emails by our own. 
And that is how the MYP design can help me create my email.